The Center for Science, Technology, and Society where I work handles the judging for the annual Tech Awards. Yesterday the 25 finalists or Laureates arrived for the kickoff event, a welcoming meeting at the Tech Museum of Innovation. I sat in on the introductions and then introduced myself. I had written email to all of them, corresponded with some, spoke on the phone with others, and knew a couple of them from other meetings. My goal is to interest them in helping to design the KnowledeX network that will support them after they return home.
Their projects are very diverse, and after dinner for each of the five domains (environment, equality, econmic development, health, and education) nine of the laureates came over to the hotel for a short taped interview with me. We asked three questions: 1. who are you and what do you do? 2. tell us a great story that illustrates your work. 3. Looking ahead ten years what is your hope for the world (or your project?)
Today I attended the presentation by the PR firm Ogilvy which is helping the laureates with connections to journalists and bloggers, some of whom will attend the showcase tomorrow, Wednesday, and perhaps the big ceremony at night. This event will be webcast. I will post the URL when it is made public. Ogilvy has started a group on Facebook for the laureates.