The World Bank is explaining the Millenneum Development Goals (MDG) in more ways that text or static pie charts. Mapping Worlds, a Dutch company, has designed dynamic maps that show statistics by country for eight goals including nutrition, education, poverty, equality for women, and environmental sustainability. For instance the poverty maps displays 'share of population living on less than $1 per day' and by animating it, the map resizes to one showing 'size of countries based on population living on $1 per day' so India, Nigeria, and a dozen other African nations balloon in size. What's cool you can rewind. However, as with all statistics you have to consider the reliability (some countries do not report or are not reliable) and while one dollar does not go very far anywhere, there is a big difference between living in Holland on $1 per day and with the same amount in Chad.
Mapping Worlds also has some fascinating examples of new kinds of city maps, the states within the U.S.A. resized to reflect population,maps of immigration and asylum, and a wall-sized map of the MDG in Oxfam's UK office. I hope this company is going to attend where 2.0 in San Jose at the end of May. (Photo courtesy of Mapping Worlds)
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